Permanent establishment
Permanent establishment is:
- a definite place (owned, rented or used on another ground), through which a foreign person implements fully or partially an economic activity in the country, for example: a place of management, a branch, a trade representative office registered in the country; an office; a chamber; a studio; a factory; a workshop (factory); a shop; a storehouse for trade; a service shop; an installation site; a construction site; a mine; a quarry; a drill; a petrol or gas well; a spring or another site for deriving natural resources;
- the implementation of activity in the country by persons, authorized to conclude contracts on behalf of foreign persons, except for the activity of а procurator, an agent, a shop assistant, a sales representative and a broker;
- durable implementation of commercial transactions with place of fulfilment in the country, even when the foreign person doesn’t have a permanent representative or a definite place.